What does a print book need in order for Itasca to distribute it?

What does my book need for Itasca?

Your books must have:

  • A Bookland EAN bar code with a 13-digit ISBN containing the price. 
    • We cannot distribute a title with an ISBN purchased from a printer, nor can it be from a publishing company that has other books not distributed by Itasca Books
    • If you are unsure, contact us before your title data is submitted
    • If you require an ISBN we can supply one from our Tasora Books imprint for a small charge, or help direct you to listing your own publishing company with Bowker to acquire your own ISBNs
  • Your ISBN on the copyright page
  • Your ISBN/bar code (with retail price embedded) on the back cover
  • The title and author on the copyright page and spine
  • The publisher/imprint name on the copyright page, spine, and back cover